What is Foot Zoning?

Foot Zoning is a natural, hands on modality of helping the body heal from the inside. A foot zone is a comprehensive mapping of the body laid out in the lower legs, and tops and bottoms of the feet. When receiving a foot zone, pressure is applied to the nerve endings, which sends messages through the nervous system to encourage positive change, healing and healthy functioning of the correlating area. Through specific methods and patterns of stimulation, these movements encourage increased energy, blood circulation, lymphatic movement, cell cleansing, and helps the whole body to move forward in healing.

  • Promotes blood flow, lymphatic flow, and drainage

  • Helps your body communicate emotionally, physically, and mentally more efficiently, and wakes the whole body up

  • Basically anything the body needs help with, foot zoning can help with too

What Foot Zoning is NOT

A Massage

Manipulating muscles and soft tissue. Foot Zoning is triggering nerve endings.


Hitting specific points on the feet, hands and ears to promote change. Foot zoning is a more thorough mapping of the body and hits ALL the points, which ensures that what needed to be triggered is.


Applying pressure to key points of the body to promote positive change. Foot zoning includes that on the feet but is more comprehensive.

A Diagnosis

This is not FDA approved nor am I a doctor or a nurse. We do not diagnose or prescribe at all, ever.

A Sentence

You will not ever have to rely on foot zones to make you feel better. Sometimes a person might crave a zone because your body will understand it can communicate through the nerves in the feet, but this is not something you become reliant on or addicted to.

Where It All Started

The story of how foot zoning integrated into my life is like long lost puzzle pieces just waiting to find each other. My name is Nikki Huntsman and I’ve been passionately foot zoning since 2016. I discovered the dynamics and power behind this natural modality when my future teacher, Julie Cheney, zoned me and helped my body move into labor to deliver my 4th baby girl. I was in awe. The whole idea behind foot zones fascinated me and I just had to find out more!