Hi, I'm Nikki!

The story of how foot zoning integrated into my life is like long lost puzzle pieces just waiting to find each other. My name is Nikki Huntsman and I’ve been passionately foot zoning since 2016. I discovered the dynamics and power behind this natural modality when my future teacher, Julie Cheney, zoned me and helped my body move into labor to deliver my 4th baby girl. I was in awe. The whole idea behind foot zones fascinated me and I just had to find out more…so when I was offered the opportunity to learn, I jumped at the chance. It was one of those things I just knew would be a perfect fit and I have been zoning ever since the first day I started learning!

Nikki's Classes

More About Nikki

The fit for me was perfect because I would be able to work from home, set my own hours and still get to work with people and especially ANATOMY! Which I have been passionate about since my days at Snow College.

I want to share the things I’ve learned over the years, my experiences, my knowledge and my heart. Teaching foot zoning has become a new found passion and I hope to be able to teach anyone willing to learn and humble enough to open their minds and hearts to a fascinating and extremely fulfilling slice of life.

 There are so many reasons to love foot zoning, I hope you’ll find at least one all on your own.

Nikki Huntsman

-Owner of Zoning for the Soul