Learn Foot Zoning for Yourself!

Begin with the Basic course first, then move through the required 7 classes

$160 Per Class

Basic Foot Zoning Class

24 hours of class time, broken up into 4 or more classes. In class you will learn the ENTIRE basic foot zone from the first step to the last step. You will learn the movements, the order and the name of each zone. You will also learn some history, basics of who and when to zone and when not to zone. This is an intensive course and requires a dedication to each class time as well as study and practice outside of class time.

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$210 Per Class

Advanced Foot Zoning Class

These classes are 8 hours each. The first 7 are required in order to certify, which makes this an 80 hour certification. There are 9 classes that I offer, so the last 2 are like icing on the cake, not required, but oh so good!

The required classes are:

  1. Structural
  2. Digestive
  3. Circulatory /Respiratory
  4. Endocrine
  5. Lymphatic/ Excretory
  6. Sensory/ Nervous
  7. Review Test Prep

 The Icing on the cake classes:

  1. Experiential Class 1
  2. Experiential Class 2
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Advanced Courses Information


In this class you learn about the anatomy of the structural system of the human body, including the muscular and skeletal systems. You will learn in depth where those zones are found on the feet, what to feel for and how to zone these areas more completely. You will also learn about what suggestions can be made for your clients that are dealing with any structural issues in their bodies.


In this class you learn about the entire Digestive system and how it functions in your body. You will learn the anatomy of the digestive tract as well as some physiology of the ins and outs of the system. You will also learn about suggestions that can be made for your clients that are dealing with any digestive issues in their bodies.


In this class you learn about the anatomy and physiology of the heart and it’s circulatory system, the lungs and how they both work together to make the cardiovascular system. You will learn what that feels like on the feet and what kind of suggestions you can offer toward healthy living.


In this class you will learn about the Endocrine glands, the anatomy and physiology of how it works and how it interacts with the entire body.  You learn where to find these areas on the foot zone and what it feels like. You will also learn about suggestions that can be made to your clients when they are dealing with any endocrine issues in their bodies.


This class you will learn about the functions, anatomy and physiology of the Lymphatic system and how it interacts with the body. You will also learn about the functions, anatomy and physiology of the excretory system. You learn where to find these areas on the foot zone and what it feels like. You will also learn about suggestions that can be made to your clients when they are dealing with any lymphatic or excretory issues in their bodies.

Sensory/Nervous Systems

This class you will learn about the functions, anatomy and physiology of both the Sensory system and the Nervous system; and how it interacts with the body. You will also learn about the functions, anatomy and physiology of these systems. You learn where to find these areas on the foot zone and what it feels like. You will also learn about suggestions that can be made to your clients when they are dealing with any sensory or nervous system issues in their bodies.

Review Test Prep

This class is a comprehensive review of all the advanced courses. It is designed to help you integrate the information from all previous advanced courses into action during foot zoning. We will have fun and play games to help you prepare and be ready to take the certification test.

Experiential Class 1 and 2

These are hands-on experiential classes where we will dive into some kitchen know-hows such as baking sour dough bread, making kefir water, healthy hot chocolate and making essential oil mixes. We will have guest teachers for a variety of modalities to help one find peace and health such as yoga, sound bath, drum circle, tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, science behind crystals and chakras, and possibly others. Not all are guaranteed to be included in these classes, but this is an example of what there could be.